(주) 가 야 쉬 핑
Kaia Shipping Inc.

Freight Forwarding Services

as a Global Logistics Service Provider

  Our Solutions

Our Solutions

100% secure and safe

Through our global logistics services, do unload your problems and do load your advantages.
Kaia Shipping Inc tailors the secure solution based on your goals, and delivery safely the freight based on your values.

주식회사 가야쉬핑

서울특별시 중구 을지로 80-1 보승빌딩
대표이사: 정 계 성
사업자등록번호: 202-81-40043.
한국국제물류주선업협회: 357호.

  Contact Details

80-1, Eulchiro, Chung-gu, Seoul, Korea. 04538.
Phone: +82 2 757 9661
e-Mail: kaias@kaiaseoul.com

As an architect of the international freight transport, we can provide a cost-effective transport logistics solution optimized for your valuable goods.
(주)가야쉬핑은 국제운송 설계자로서 귀사 화물에 최적화된 비용 효율적인 운송물류 솔루션을 제공합니다.