Door to Door Freight Services (Cargo Delivery Services) requires essentially Land Transportation.
Our Land Transportstion Services has a flexible, reliable and efficient Land transportation offering, including Road, Rail and Intermodal Services.
KSI has a global standard capability with services operating in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.
The advantage of both Intermodal and Multimodal Transport for containerized cargo is given by the most efficient combination of transport modes, optimizing lead times, reducing inventory costs and keeping the level of freight costs under control.
As one of the reliable Global Land Freight Services Providers, we currently handle;
컨테이너 육상운송 요율표 :
아래 링크를 클릭하게 되면 도로운송 요율표
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컨테이너 국내육상 운송요율표
Through our global logistics services, do unload your problems and do load your advantages.
Kaia Shipping Inc tailors the secure solution based on your goals, and delivery safely the freight based on your values.